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Dental Hygiene - 23rd January 2023

Today Sandra brought out the teeth set for the children to engage in this was due to Hunter's Aunty talking to us about Hunter brushing his teeth. We set the Teeth up on the table, Hunter, Elya, Dylan, Nathan, Mila and Tilly became really interested in what was being put out. They all came over to the table and Sandra explained to the children how to brush their teeth.Hunter picked up the large tooth brush and started to brush the teeth, Dylan picked up the flosser and put it between the teeth here I explained that it was a dental floss and it was to get all the yucky stuff out between your teeth. Nathan, Elya and Tilly were given a small toothbrush as there were not enough big toothbrushes to go around. So all the children started to brush the teeth I asked the children " why do we brush our teeth" Elya and Nathan replied "to clean our teeth" I remembered Dylan had been to the dentist so I talked to the children about what a dentist does and Dylan picked up a wooden mirror and demonstrated what the dentist does with it. Sandra gave the children a small cup of water so the children dipped the tooth brushes in the water and brushed the large teeth. Then Hunter, Elya, Nathan, Tilly, Mila and Dylan found the wooden tube of toothpaste and pretended to put the toothpaste on the toothbrushes and they continued to brush the teeth. After the children had finished I got the children to go and get their drink bottles and Sandra and I showed the children how to swish and swallow with water. So all the children had a sip of water and swished it around in their mouth and then swallowed the water. Later on after Lunch we encouraged the children to swish and swallow.

Link to Pedagogical Documentation

EYLF Outcomes

Outcomes: 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing Elements: 3.3 Children are aware of and develop strategies to support their own mental and physical health and personal safety. The children were learning how to look after their own teeth.

Service Philosophy

We provide hands on learning opportunities where children can explore, experiment and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the world we live in.


Critical reflection.As the educator this was a really positive learning experience for the children I was able to provide a hands on learning experience for the children and include intentional teaching into the experience by talking to the children about why we need to brush our teeth and how to look after our teeth and talk about what dentist do. Sandra and Myself were able to promote swish and swallow to the children by teaching them how to swish and swallow and then following it up after lunch. Follow up Continue to follow up on the swish and swallow.

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