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Magnet and Iron Experiment - 3rd March 2023

Room project - Science experiments: This month room project for Joeys room is about science. The educators have planned to involve children in some science experiments. I organised and collected resources for a simple magnet and iron science experiment. I placed sand on a tray and I helped children to roll the magnet on the sand. We thought the iron particles on the sand will be attracted by magnet. The idea of the experiment is to place those iron particles on a paper. Then move the magnet under the paper. The magnet will attract the iron particles and the iron particles will move on the paper. But to our surprise there were no iron particles on the sand. The magnet didn't observe any iron particles. So I went and got a iron piece from the store room. Then I helped Hunter, Nathan, Tilly, Dylan, Aladeng and Mila to have turns to use the magnet to attract the iron piece. Mila did first and wanted more turns. She got a few turns. Nathan got his turn after Mila. He was happy and said, "Kavitha, look, look". Tilly had her turn next. She was so involved in her activity and had more turns. While other children were having turns Dylan got interested and said, "Dylan's turn, Dylan's turn". So Dylan got his turn and said "magnet, magnet". Hunter had his turn and said "wow" and repeated again and again. Aladeng waited patiently and her turn last. When I asked her whether she likes it, she just nodded her head. After this experience the children moved to different spots to explore the outdoor area.

Link to Pedagogical Documentation

EYLF Outcomes

Outcomes: 4: Children are confident and involved learners Elements: 4.1 Children develop a growth mindset and learning dispositions such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. The children in this learning experience were curious and interested to see the iron piece is attracted to the magnet.


This learning experience can be linked to Piaget's theories. He believes that children need to be able to see, touch, taste, smell, move and hear the things they are learning about. this is called 'concrete learning'.


Critical Reflection: I was surprised that the magnet didn't attract any iron particles from sand. I want to try with a differnt magnet, may be a bigger magnet. Follow Up: Try the same experiment with a different magnet.

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