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‘There’s a hippopotamus sitting on the hospital roof eating cake’ group experience - 22nd February 2024

Today Felicity began reading the story about the hippopotamus that continually eats cake on the roof. In this reading he was on top of the hospital roof eating his famed cake.

Unfortunately the storyteller had ended up with a visit to the hospital with appendicitis hence the hippo changing scenery.

Whilst the children were engrossed in this tale, Mary found her stethoscope and donned a ‘Dr Mary’ hat just in time for the end. During the reading it was seen that the doctor had a stethoscope around his neck as now Mary did.

What was this instrument called? Hudson called out, “Stefescope”.

And what might it be used for? “Listening to your heart” came many explanations.

And that’s what we did. Listened to our hearts. The children were mystified to hear there were sounds emanating from their chests and they could hear them clearly.

Analysis of learning:

Practices- Educators are involved in ‘play based learning and intentionality’ evident through extending on the reading of a popular story in this case by the use of a stethoscope. This lends itself to extend on their learning through investigating how the body works.

Where to from here?

Explorations on how the body works through experiences centred on the 5 senses and creating ‘body suits’.

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