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Transferring learning Author - 17th October 2021


This morning Mikaere we're so excited to see Hunter, he give Hunter a big hug, both Hunter and Mikaere decided to find a particular ball for them to play football. They both searched in the ball tub and found the frozen ball. They negotiated who will kick the ball first, Hunter said to Mikaere 'you stand this way' and 'I will stand the other side and 'I will kick the ball to you'. Makerere happily followed on Hunter instruction. While they were playing with the ball Mikaere found a worm in the garden.

Hunter and Mikaere went around showing the worm to Emilia and Hunter S. Hunter and Mikaere took the worm to the mat and Hunter said 'ok Mikaere let's make a farm for the worm using these blocks.' Hunter and Mikaere both began to build a farm for the worm, Hunter.S helped by nocking down their building. I sat with the children, encouraging and demonstrating to Hunter. S how to help Hunter. H and Mikaere to build with the block together, Hunter explained to me that they are building a worm farm. When the children were done building , I got an iPad, we had a look at how a real worm farm looks like.

Link to Pedagogical Documentation

EYLF Outcomes

Outcomes: 4: Children are confident and involved learners Elements: 4.3 Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another. Children in this learning experience were able to transfer knowledge from one setting to another by make connections between experiences, concepts and processes.


This learning experience can be linked to Piaget's theories. He believe the child is an active leaner and that the child must be given opportunities to explore, discover and experiment. these principal; underpin all cognitive development.


Critical reflection:I was able to let the children lead their learning by valuing signs of their learning, letting them apply new ways and talk about this with them in ways that grow their understanding. I was able to linked children learning by drawing their attention to patterns and relationships in the environment and in their learning. Follow up: worm farm project with the children

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